Monday, November 26, 2007

My thoughts

A country of my own, I agree with you on the article talk about racism I also think that the man that stole the candy bar should have been punished, because if not America would be sending the signal that it’s ok to steal, if its under $2 and I agree that for doing drugs he should be punished for the same reason, but it comes a point that punishment is to harsh. How will a man learn anything if the court system put him away for life just for stealing candy and doing drugs. The only thing he would learn is just how “free” you really are as a black man in America. As for the case were the white man only got probation for murder I think that this judgment is a crock and that the judge should have been thrown off the bench. When the same judge gives a man that was on probation for stealing a candy bar, life because he is found with drugs in his body and a white man that has been in trouble with the law in the past murders someone and only gets probation, that decision screams racism.

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