Thursday, November 1, 2007

Too much money

In the Austin American Statesman an article titled, “Youth Prisons halt overtime” is about the Texas Youth Commission spending more then half of their budget for the year in one month, September. The commission only has 1.3 million dollars to spend this year, but already in September alone have managed to spend $735,933 of it in overtime. As a result of this a team has been put together to look into why so much overtime was need in September. Some of the problems were that people were required to have 300 hours of training and another was that the computers for overtime had problems. So as of Wednesday Dimitria Pope the acting executive director of the Youth Commission has suspended overtime payments until this problem has been further looked into. Worker still work overtime, but their payments will be banked until November.
I think that this is a good article to read, because everyone in Texas would like to know were some of their money is going and when you see hear about an agency spending so much money in a small amount of time it makes you wonder what’s going on. So by reading this article you will become a little bit more informed about the Youth Commission. The one think that I didn’t like about what the Commission is doing is to have workers work overtime and then bank their money until a nothing month is not fare and it’s no right. What if the workers decided to “bank” their work time for a month, then there would be no guards and kids would be running loose everywhere.


Molly K. said...
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Molly K. said...

TYC is a very interesting topic to say the least. I was a tour guide at the Capitol this passed legislative session and this was one of the most discussed topics maybe of the entire spring season. Not only has their spending been outrageous but there have been also a lot of misgivings about their care of the children. It is always interesting to find where Texas really does spend its money. What is even more interesting is how an organization is given so much from the state and where it is put to use. If you haven’t looked at the many pieces of press coverage about this particular organization and this article interested you, look further, what you will find will disgust and amaze you.